Top 10 Duel Monsters
1. Black/Dark Magician Girl - She's basically the same as the regular one, except with less
attack power. She can use all of the regular Magician's trap/magic cards too. Also, she can gets power up for each Dark Magician
and Magician of Black Chaos in the Graveyard (discard pile). She is similar to DM, except more cheerful.

2. God of Ra/Sun Dragon of Ra - Ra has in my opinion, the coolest design out of all the God
cards. This card is held by Marik, for a really long time, until Yugi beats him in the final battle of Battle City. After
the battle, Marik gives Yugi Ra and the Millennium Rod.
3. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - When I first saw the regular Blue Eyes, I thought it was one
of the coolest monsters. What could be better than one Blue Eyes White Dragon? Three Blue Eyes fused together to form one
monster with an attack of 4000.
4. The God of Osiris/Silfer the Sky Dragon - This is the God card that belongs to Yugi in the
show. I look the way it looks. A big, red, serpent type thing. This card was given when Yugi won a battle against the Pantomime/Strings.
5. The God of Obelisk/Obelisk the Tormenter - Has a cool design also. Also looks the most evil
in my opinion. This card was given to Seto Kaiba, and later on Yugi wins it from him in a battle.
6. Blue Eyes White Dragon - The first time I saw this, I thought it was one of the coolest
monsters ever. The card looks awesome (especially the Shonen Jump promo) and it has an attack of 3000. One of the strongest
legal cards, that doesn't take too much work to bring out.

7. Lord of Dragons - This is a good monster. Kind of weak in attacks, but can use the Flute
of Summoning Dragon and protects Dragon types in play. Also has a cool character design.
8. Red Eyes Black Dragon - This card has so many fusions. It's attack isn't that high, considering
you need to sacrafice 2 monsters, but fusions make up for that. This card is owned by Rex Raptor, then given to Junochi/Joey.
Later, the Rare Hunter wins it from him. Then shortly after Yugi wins the REBD from the Rare Hunter.

9. Valkyrion the Magna Warrior - This is the combined form of the three magnet warriors: Alpha,
Beta and Gamma. In the card game, he can be summoned by sacraficing the 3 Magnet Warriors. Valkyrion sure reminds me of Transformers
when he is summoned.

10. Dark Magician/Black Magician - Yugi's trademark card. This is a decent card, but you need
to sacrafice 2 monsters to summon the DM, and his attack is only 2500. On the bright side, he can use many cool magic